"Every once in a while, the market does something so stupid it takes your breath away." - Jim Cramer
There are no sure bets in the world of investing; there is risk in everything. Be prepared for the ups and downs.

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www.ksecuritiesbd.com is first Online Trading site in Bangladesh that enables investors to trade at the Dhaka Stock Exchange using their PCs from anywhere at any time. K-Securities & Consultants (Member No: 122) started operations in 2004 and has since received an overwhelming response from investors.
K-Securities & Consultants Ltd is a responsible member of the Service Industry, is obligated to provide new and enhanced tools of access along with a high standard of customer service. K-Securities & Consultants Ltd has several initiatives planned for the future, such as trading via mobile phones, a fully equipped Call Centre, a network allowing convenient access to investors, and a whole lot more.
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Motijheel: Suite # 604 , Modhumita Building (5th Floor), 158-160 Motijheel C/A, Dhaka-1000.
Nikunja: Suite # 194, Level # 10, DSE Tower, Plot # 46, Road # 21, Nikunja-2, Dhaka-1229.
Online Support: Suite # 601/A,Modhumita Building (5th Floor),158-160 Motijheel C/A,
Dhanmondi Branch: Green Taz Centre (4th Floor), House# 81, Road# 8/A , Dhaka-1205.
Uttara Branch: House #33 (7th Floor) Road #2 Sector #9 Uttara Dhaka .
Phone: 223356293, 223356294; PABX: 02223384601-07, Ext. 176.